Country-Folk Blessings, Internet, & An Ode to Uncle Bill’s Bar

–Dedicated To Regina, Bar-Wench Extraordinaire–
For the past several weeks, I have been busy as hell at my desk, doing the layout for the upcoming issue of Plant Healer Magazine for herbalists. For inspiration, I often look out of the window at our remote river canyon and the mountains and forest beyond, a reminder of the beauty and power of the natural world… including the power to heal our bodies with its herbs, our hearts with its wild balm. It is across that river that we go anytime we need something from the nearby village of Reserve, New Mexico, and it is where our dear partner Kiva Rose regularly goes to access a decent internet connection while Elka, Rhiannon and get to stay home. Our precious friend and ally, Nick, helps us keep communications working here at home, with solar powered batteries and dodgy satellite internet service is the only currently viable system, but the tight bandwidth ceilings require we download photos and upload our publications from Uncle Bill’s Bar instead.

To some in the herbalist community, it is hard to imagine living in the wilderness so far from the concerts and other urbane benefits of Vermont or Portlandia. Many imagine it a hardship for us to reside in a region where most of the scant human population are old fashioned “country-folk,” with decidedly politically-incorrect ideas and sometimes rough ways. And a majority likely wonder how Kiva deals with hanging out afternoons in a Western saloon. Truth is, Uncle Bill’s is not just a source of WiFi and my outlaw Mezcal. It’s a bastion of old-timey friendliness, where authentic locals discuss each other’s physical ailments and sad heartbreaks, how the recent snows might impact the ongoing drought, the agreed oppressiveness of government authority, and what medicinal herbs grow hereabouts – to the sounds of the Sons of Anarchy soundtrack, over reasonably priced beers, beneath antique firearms hanging from the ceiling, in close walking distance to the bathroom door adorned with that iconic painting of a proud cowboy and his beloved horse blissfully urinating together. The owner Zoe and her posse of strong willed women bartenders dish out loving insults for fun and comfort when needed, and guard Kiva’s privacy and focus the way Blue Healers and Border Collies rise to protect any kids or colts. When there is anything we really need, we can count on the help of the fellows bellied up to the bar, the rural mothers shopping in Jake’s Grocery store next door, and the backwoods libertarians scattered throughout the still wild landscape.

It’s possible for city folks to feel a mite superior and better informed than those rural folks living their considerably simpler lives out in the sticks. But before writing anyone off, let’s take a closer look at America’s remaining willful throwbacks, backwoods philosophers, glad anachronisms, dirt covered farmers and gardeners, horse-riding proponents of personal liberty, sassy women and unbowed men. And for that, one need only go as far …as any friendly rural establishment, like our Uncle Bill’s Bar.

If you are ever in the area, stop in for a drink and dance. Tell ‘em we sent ya…
To read more about Kiva’s relationship with rural NM, its people and herbs, turn to her fascinating column in the Spring issue of Plant Healer Magazine, releasing March 1st. To read more about the culture and attitude of rural New Mexico and its fascinating natives, order our book “Pancho Villa’s Motorcycle” from
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