Goldenrod (Solidago spp.)
Common Name: Goldenrod
Botanical Name: Solidago spp.
Energetics: Warm, dry
Taste: Aromatic, bitter, astringent
Goldenrod is a generally fragrant and very common wildflower in North America. It’s most popular for its use in drying sinus allergies and drippy colds. It has also been used traditionally for all sorts of kidney ailments, and its warming, stimulating energetics are especially useful for those cold natured folks who have a tendency to achy, overtired kidneys.
The preparation I’ve focused on most in my writings on this plant is the flower infused oil. I specifically use this for all sorts of injuries and problems of the muscles (including separated muscles and severe injuries). It works GREAT, especially on old, achy, chronic problems. I’ve tried to popularize this humble little weed as much as possible, as it’s widely available and wonderfully multifaceted.
Goldenrod works great on neck troubles, generally loosening up the neck muscles and relieving the tension, but this is primarily symptomatic and won’t cure a popped out disc etc., but it’ll help take the swelling down and speed the healing process once you’ve addressed the root of the problem.
It’s also helped arthritis for a lot of folks, taking down the swelling and pain. Once again, this is a symptomatic application, not anything like a cure. It seems similar to the regional use of Snakeweed/Escoba de la Vibora in the Southwest. I’ve noticed Snakeweed tends to be better for arthritis and Goldenrod tends to be better for muscular problems. Funny how they’ve both got those beautiful golden blooms. As does St John’s Wort, who I’ve used very little but also seems to have lots of similar applications.
Goldenrod’s most profound use in my experience tends to be directly on the muscles, healing pulled muscles in amazing time periods with repeated application (every three hours or so), and often soothing strained or spasming muscles with only a single application.
For muscle spasms, I recommend combining Goldenrod oil/liniment with Peony root tincture internally, although Scullcap, Black Cohosh or California Poppy may be more appropriate depending on the situation and individual’s constitution.
As a side note to Peony, you can use the common available Chinese White Peony root, or your garden Peony root (make sure it’s the old fashioned kind though, and it works better if its run a bit wild rather than being pampered and overwatered) or you can use the native Brown’s or California Peony root, all are similar but with their own variations.
Pain Liniment for Pulled Muscles
1 Part Cottonwood bark/bud tincture
1 Part Goldenrod flower oil
1 Part Sweet Clover flowering tops tincture
1/2 Part Rosemary oil
Preparations & Dosage: Infused oil or salve of flowers as needed. Fresh plant tincture of flowers or flowering tops as a liniment as needed. Fresh plant tincture of flowering tops for hay fever, sinusitis, UTI’s, kidney issues etc from 10 drops to a dropperful, 3-4x/day. The more fragrant the spp. the better it seems to work for most things, although if using as a simple astringent, the leaves of any spp will work fine.