Writings by Jesse Wolf Hardin
“Hardin’s books are a surprising experience; archaic, fresh, future, wild, refined, all at once. Which should be no surprise— that ‘s how the real world is— my respects to Jesse Wolf.”
-Gary Snyder, Pulitzer Prize Winning Author

New Mexico born Jesse Wolf Hardin is the author of over 600 published articles and 4 commercially produced books including Gaia Eros (New Page, 2004) and Old Guns & Whispering Ghosts: Tales & Twists Of The Old West (Shoot! Pub., 2006). His work has been featured in collections as diverse as The Soul Unearthed (Adams; Tarcher/Putnam, ‘96), The Grimoire For The Apprentice Wizard (New Page, 2004) and How Shall I Live My Life? (Jensen; PM Press, 2008) along with several several academic and practitioner entries in The Encyclopedia Of Nature & Religion (2005). Wolf began his writing career as a teenager in the 1960’s, publishing short pieces and poems in alternative periodicals including Win and Communities. For the first 30 years his work was mostly of alternative, nature and ecology oriented in publications of various kinds and qualities including Lapis Journal, Mother Earth News, The Trumpeter, Green Egg, Magical Blend, PanGaia, and Natural Beauty & Health. In 1990 he began expanding his efforts to reach a broader audience, beginning with pieces for the esteemed Gray’s Sporting Journal, Backpacker Magazine, regional newspapers and even periodicals about fine cuisine. You’ll find here a collection of some his most noted writings, largely gleaned from the various titles available on the Books & Music page including the latest manuscripts The Way of Animá, The Book of Animá, the novel The Medicine Bear and Home: Reinhabiting Self, Place & Purpose.

“Wild is the world. No one is better at helping us feel that wildness— deeply, experientially, beyond conclusion. Hombre muy fuerte!”
-Ed Abbey, late author of Desert Solitaire
“It is only through the power, strength, integrity, and courage of people such as Jesse Wolf Hardin that our society will be able to change its direction. His voice inspires our passion to take us further— seeing the world whole— even holy.”
-Terry Tempest Williams
“There is no more important personal awareness, and political movement today, than the strengthening of human communities conscious of place in the natural world. Jesse Wolf Hardin addresses the need of human beings to search within themselves, and within their bioregions, and to make the connections that may save our sanity, and the planet too. I know of no-one more thoughtful or articulate or inspiring.”
-Jerry Mander author of In The Absence of The Sacred
“His word and voice is the haunting cry of a wild-voiced wilderness seer…. the ecstatic song of an Earth lover, a man intoxicated with the beauty and diversity of life. The high-spirited and soulful voices of…. the Earth herself, speak and sing through him– reminding us of our ancient heritage of sacred wildness.”
-Ralph Metzner author of Green Psychology and Well Of Remembrance
“Wolf’s loving, erotic sensibility allows him to play on ancient harmonies. He sings us into magician morning, calling us to re-enter primal states of being-in-the-world. If we are really quiet, Pan comes out of hiding and teaches us the will-of-the-land.”
-Bill Devall author of Simple In Means, Rich In Ends
“Wolf’s work is an illuminating personal record…. and an invocation of the forthcoming epoch.”
-Peter Berg Director, Planet Drum Foundation
“In terms of his depth, personal commitment and quality of performance, Wolf is peerless. There are few others have all of his primal qualities. Except for some Aboriginal writers, there are few authors in North America who reflect such depth of being a native to its places— remarkable, given his background as a street kid, with Nordic/Celtic ancestry. He came home to wildness and living close to the Earth. It shows all through his writings and performances. He gives others (such as myself) courage to speak from our own authentic selves. He is a highly productive artisan who is making a most important contribution to a new responsible culture.”
-Prof. Alan Drengson Editor, The Trumpeter Journal of Ecosophy
“Wolf sings us Full Circle to the raw, sweet wildness within, and calls us forward.”
-Joanna Macy author of World As Self, World As Lover